Edit one

My first edit is of a girl stood on Westminster Bridge with the London Aquarium as her background. This image relates to my previous point about tourists being so concerned with getting pictures of what and where they are been as opposed to actually taking in the view of what is right in front of them. She is posing for a picture which is presumably being taken by her other half. If you look closely, however, you can see that he’s actually taking a ‘selfie’ of him with Big Ben as his backdrop.

I used the same method for removing the eyes as I did for the previous post.

Here are some of the steps used:

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This first image shows where I have selected the skin slightly above the eye itself, and have pulled it down using the warping tool, to cover just over half way of the area I want to be covered.

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I did the exact same thing on the bottom of the eye to create another ‘flap’ over the eye. I swapped around the layers, making the upper eye edit to the top of the layer list, as the line created with it on the top wasn’t as harsh as the other making it easier to edit out.

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Next I used the layer mask tool on the top layer to remove most of the blemishes, including the harsh line of the edited layer. I used a large brush tool with a low hardness to make the tool a little softer, trying to make it look more natural and as if it was supposed to be like that.

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I then moved onto the next eye, using exactly the same technique. However before I started I removed a hair that was across the girls face, which would have made it harder to edit. To do this, I used the healing tool which was quite simple to do.

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After editing both eyes in the exact same way, I used the eyedropper tool on a low opacity to try and smoothen out some areas that didn’t look quite right. I also added some noise to each edited eye using filer>noise to about 2%, as by stretching out different parts of the skin the pixels didn’t look similar to the rest of the image.

I also burned the sky slightly to try and bring out some definition in the clouds.

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