Techniques- Healing tool

To try and get the best results, I am going to try out a variety of different techniques in removing the eyes of the subjects that I’m shooting.

I am going to work with the same subject when trying out different techniques to try and keep it as a control image.

The first technique I tried was using the healing brush tool. With this tool, you press alt to select an area that you would like to take the colour and texture from.

Screen Shot 2014-12-08 at 10.37.22 AM < Where the healing tool can be found

I started by selecting the area just under the girls actual eye, and using the healing tool to cover her eye up with the selected colour and texture which is her skin.

Screen Shot 2014-12-08 at 10.38.45 AM

I carried on using this technique to complete each eye. However when I zoomed out I felt that the eye on the right hand side looked slightly too dark, and not quite as good as it could be. Therefore, I used the dodge tool to lighten the area over the eyes that I had already edited. I then retouched some of the areas that didn’t look very convincing and came with the result on the right below.

Screen Shot 2014-12-08 at 10.40.14 AM Screen Shot 2014-12-08 at 10.41.21 AM

Personally, I think that I could find a better technique for what I’m, aiming for, I’m not sure I like this tool for the purpose of my work. I may use aspects of this tool with other techniques, as it can be quite useful.

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