Toying with Ideas


The idea that these office workers all have the same tie. A tie almost represents a bit of individuality in the business world, yet this idea of giving them all the same one tries to suggest that they are all part of a conforming group of robots.


This idea is similar to the ‘Dystopia’ collection in the way that they have had their eyes removed. However if i were to do this it would suggest more of a deeper meaning.

By taking away their eyes I’m trying to highlight the fact that one of their senses has been removed. When people travel, they often visit places that they are told to see. This particular images, is one of my own from Charles Bridge in Prague. It is a popular tourist area attracting hundreds of people each day. When people come to places like this, they are often more interested in capturing it on camera for their family album, rather than actually taking the place in with their eyes there and then. Much the same as an aura in artwork, you cannot get the full extent of the scenery from a photograph afterwards. As it is often said, they are ‘looking but not really seeing’.

So my idea to remove the eyes from these people is to really try and coincide with the phrase ‘looking but not seeing’.

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